Applications are open! Looking for Content Team Members and Content Creators!

Denied ItsNotSNiper staff applications

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In game name: ItsNotSniper
Age: I am currently 15 years old
Why should we choose you (Be detailed): you should chose me because I'm a confident builder who will always put the build first I devote a lot of my free time to making my builds look better and if you chose me you will receive nothing but my best efforts to help make the server look great.
Do you have discord and/or twitter (If so, please list them if they are not private):I have discord it is beef00man
Have you been builder on any other servers before?:I was co owner of a server with my friends but we shut down due to lack of funding
How long can you play a day: I can play about 5 hours on week days and about 9 hours on weekends.
Anything else we should know (If not, leave this blank): I am a medieval modern and futuristic builder
Leave a link to two of your screenshots (You may upload them to imgur):
Say "I agree" if you agree to the application rules and requirements: I agree


Owner & Founder
Hello! This application is really good, as well as your builds.

Our current issue at the moment as to why we haven't decided on your app is because of your inactivity. You have currently been offline for over 4 days at the time of posting this reply. And we have seen inactivity streaks from you multiple times. Our expectations are at least an hour a day for builders, and possibly more due to the fact that we are starting a new and big project soon.

We will try to get our final decision for you soon.

Thanks for applying, and have a great day!
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