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  • Is the server down?

    I'm getting the following edit when trying to log on:$Annoited....
    Yes, some weekend maintenance. Should be back up tomorrow!
    what's your new discord name and numbers when I tried to add you it said could not be found.
    how do I change my Name in This Site
    You can't change your name yourself, but if you tell me a new name, I can change your name for you.
    Hello its sniper i am a big fan and i would love to be oped on your server it would make my day i play on the server and like it alot
    Dear Owner, I've been trying to donate for a couple weeks now. Each time I put in my minecraft username to proceed to donate, I'm show: errors/404.html. It doesn't matter if my cache is clear of there is a new browser being used. It appears that the donate links are all broken. At least for me. I also noticed that the reset password link was broken.
    Yes, that's where I'm going. I don't understand. On my iMac, it's showing me a 404. I tried my Windows 10 virtual machine to see if perhaps it had anything to do with the htaccess file being incompatible. On Windows 10, I get a 403 error saying I do not have access to the donate page. Perhaps it's a permission thing.
    I'm not sure what the issue is. I have attempted to recreate this, and had others test as well but we can't seem to recreate the issue. I did tweak a permission, so you could test that if you would like. If it doesn't work, and if you're still interested, feel free to private message me and we can go about another method (Such as directly through paypal). Sorry for any inconvenience!
    And another QUESTION: I am a youtuber and i just made a vid on your server and on the 1.november i will make another cool one! my youtube channel is german. Is there somethig like like a youtuber rank? should i get it? 5 players are playing on your server just because i showed them my helicopter. they are playing here dayly! I am supporting your server SO MUCH!
    hi itssniper,
    i just joined discord a few seconds ago! Well i need help. i showed a lot of people the server and the just said that my helicopter was awsome! its cool, but one of them stole my friends car. i gave my friend a new one but is it maybe possible that we get a car back? That would be awsome!

    Thanks for reading!
    Looks Like You've Had Enough, I Cannot Remember What I said to offend you, Plus The Ban Was Harsh XD, Funny How Even Talking Gets you Ticked, Oh Well, Have a Nice Day
    Wow, you’re toxic and annoying. Enjoy the free ban from the website :)
    Could You Explain How, Give Me a Refresher
    You know how, therefore I have no reason to explain. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on a banned player. Have a nice day.
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