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Staff Rules & Information


Owner & Founder
Updated 4/24/2023

Staff Rules

1. Follow all of the general server rules (As staff, you are expected to follow the same rules as the players. You cannot enforce rules if you can't even follow them yourself.)

2. Be a respectable staff member. (Examples of a non-respectable staff member: being rude, being arrogant, trying to create tension with others, causing or spreading drama, etc.)

3. Do not abuse any power you may have.

4. Get along with your fellow staff members.

5. Do not ask for, demand, or leak a player’s personal information. (You will be instantly removed from the team.)

6. Answer player's questions when possible. (It is important that players feel welcomed and respected.)

7. Get your required amount of playtime. (Moderation staff are required at least an hour of non-afk time a day for 5 days a week.)

8. Do not cause or get involved with spreading rumors or drama on the server.

9. Be a fair, level-headed staff member. (Do not act out of bias.)

10. Only give fair and just punishments. Do not overreach with your power.

11. Do not attempt to pressure, persuade, or beg players into using your staff code. These should be used a free will, not advertised. (Exception: If a player is joking around and asks who’s code to use, you may answer. However, if a player is simply stating they are going to purchase a rank, do not beg them to use your code.)

12. Keep notifications enabled in the discord. (This includes normal mention pings, everyone pings, and role pings. Discord is our may of communicating important information.)

13. If you’re going to be gone for a prolonged period of time, (3+ days) you must inform Management of your absence or we will assume inactivity.

Staff Offenses

The breaking of staff rules may lead to any of the following, depending on severity:
● Warning
● Strike
● Demotion
● Ban


Warnings are given out to a staff member who breaks a minor rule, or a new staff member who is yet to understand the rank. A warning is a simple friendly reminder not to do something. This has no impact on your record as staff, as long as you take the warning into full consideration and do not repeat whatever you have gotten the warning for.


A staff strike is given to a staff member who breaks a general rule, server rule, or commits a somewhat big offense. If a staff member receives 3 strikes from management within 2 months, the management will then determine punishment. (Demotion in most cases.)


Demotions are pretty self explanatory, these are generally given out for the following most common offenses:
● Inactivity (This one seems to be the most popular. If you're gonna go inactive, it’s best to resign. If you’re demoted for inactivity, you will not be able to become a staff again in the future.)
● Receiving 3 strikes
● Disregarding management's commands
● Being disrespectful to players
● Breaking general rules on the server
● Being rude or arrogant
● Being intolerable to other staff or management
● Not doing anything as staff (Holding onto the rank, but not monitoring chat, going afk constantly, or ignoring questions.)


In most cases, we try to keep a good relationship with Ex-Staff and break demotions or resignations on good terms. But in the cases where that is not possible, bans may occur. This generally only happens if you decide to cause issues or break some major rules. If you were to give out any personal or staff only information, you will also be banned.

Retired Rank

Effective 4/24/2023
After you leave the staff team, you may be eligible for "Retired Rank". This rank is made as a "thank you" in appreciation for staff members that have left on good terms and helped the server out in a big way! You can find the requirements below!
● Must have been a part of the staff team for at least 3 months
● Must have left the server on good terms
● Must have resigned from the staff team, demotions are not accepted for the role
● Must have been a respectable staff member

● Every perk of the highest rank (Titan)
● Access to #retired-staff on discord
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