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I would like to apologize.


New Member
Hello there. All this post really is, is just me apologizing for the actions of me and my friend.

The amount of fun had on the server.
So first, I was looking for a server to play on at 3am. Then I find Skyvillage, we go there and we play on the server until like 5am. We sleep. The next day we get on and we are on for over 10 hours for about a week. The reason we decided to join the server and stay for so long was that we were going to play on it a little bit, and see if we liked the community. And if we did we were going to apply for staff. But eventually we started being competitive and trying to get the highest island level.

What went wrong?
There was some things that went wrong. The first true bad experince I had was when I first joined. I wanted to help the server, by showing a bug I found. I join the discord, I message the owners. I then realize there is a Bug report channel so I posted it there. Then I go back to playing on the server for hours. When I go back to discord I can't find the server in my server menu. So I tried joining back, to find out I was banned. Then another time, I was being stupid. And the way I was calling my friend made it seem raciest (NigerDaVinci)
I was muted for two hours. My friend joined for a second I guess and was reported to be my Alt. It technically is my alt, but it is not. My friend lost his mine craft information completely and I had an extra laying around so I gave him the info to play with me on Skyvillage. So I had to speak with Sam, about the ban, and the Helper (Now moderator or so) to get the unban. Then after that it was fine. Then we were extending our island, when I was banned for auto something, I don't quite remember. I don't really know what it is, but I guess it was the way I was building and I get that. Then my friend tried defending me and he was banned permanently. I play on a thing called Mine-Hutt. And I went to use an alt, and I accidentally went on to the server, and was banned for ban evasion.

Why Apologize you idiot?
The reason I am apologizing for my friend and I, is that I want to continue playing on the server. I want to work things out, and just play the server. I'm just asking (and hoping) that either Sam or Sniper can message me on discord (PixelDaVinci#4110) to work things out, and make compromises on being un-banned

I just really want to play on the server again, it is one of the best servers I have played on, I try to find other skyblock servers but they are so bad.

So I DabaronDaVinci Aka. PixelDaVinci (name change) and my friend NigerDaVinci, would like to apologize of any harm done, to the server, and hope that things can be worked out.